Monday, October 1, 2007

Bus Love!

'Bus Love' is the term hubby uses for working on Maisie. Sweet. All the rust has now been cut out, sanded, filled and primed, sanded, filled and primed a further 3 times, hubby has done an amazing job - I can't even see where the holes were! I've always accused him of being anal but now I'm glad he is! The rear bumper has been stripped and has had a coat of primer - already it's looking a million times better. Bunnings has done a roaring trade with us today, as we had to get a sander, sanding blocks, primer, paint and various fixings. With all the extra bits and bobs we have bought, Maisie is now becoming a mobile shed!

Work on Maisie will be limited to weekends now as hubby has to work.....hopefully with the evenings getting lighter some of the smaller jobs can be done then.

Above: Maisie looking like swiss cheese and the repair job.


Anonymous said...

Great to see another WA Kombi owner. Coffee meet 4th. Nov. at Toodyay. More Kombi help here

Anonymous said...

It's amazing how much weight the fridge and cupboards make...I sadly removed a good 3 way fridge and some cupboards to make space.. and go a lot faster...unreal the difference..(plus..these days..unless you go camping outback..a big fridge is not really needed anymore with all these other mini fridges and coolers about, and a shop on nearly every corner.)